New York State is like most other states in that it places the child’s wellbeing and interests first and foremost in making decisions regarding the child’s custody arrangements. Courts typically examine custody arrangements prior to the divorce to determine the best outcome for the child. When it comes to custody, the judge deciding the case makes a decision that is intended to provide the child with the most financially, emotionally, and educationally stable environment possible.
Parents are not limited by the court. If they can agree to a custody agreement that they see as fit, the courts will typically honor the parents’ decision. Because it is not easy to change the court’s custody decision once it has been made, it is in the parents’ best interests that they discuss custody arrangements along with their attorneys prior to appearing in front of a judge.
An experienced attorney like Stephanie will work with you and the other party’s attorney to minimize disagreements and assist you with making the best decisions and arrangements prior to going to court.